Indoor Growing: Cannabis Plant Training

As a cannabis plant grows, it requires support to ensure its branches do not break under the weight of the buds. Cannabis plant training refers to the techniques used to control the growth and shape of the plant to achieve better yields and quality of buds. The following are the types of cannabis plant training:

  1. Low Stress Training (LST)

LST involves bending the plant’s branches to create a more even canopy and increase light penetration. The goal of LST is to create a more horizontal canopy, which allows the lower buds to receive more light and produce better yields.

  1. High Stress Training (HST)

HST techniques include topping, fimming, and super cropping. Topping involves cutting off the top of the main stem to create two new colas. Fimming is similar, but instead of cutting off the whole top, you remove just the tip of the plant’s stem. Super cropping involves pinching or bending the plant’s stems to create stress, which can lead to more robust bud growth.

  1. Screen of Green (ScrOG)

ScrOG is a method where a screen or netting is placed above the plant to help spread out the canopy. As the plant grows, the stems are woven through the screen to create a more even canopy. The goal of ScrOG is to maximize light penetration and create more buds.

  1. Sea of Green (SOG)

SOG is a method of growing multiple smaller plants instead of a few large plants. The plants are grown in small containers and trained to have one main cola. SOG aims to maximize yield and minimize vegetative growth time.

  1. Monster Cropping

Monster cropping is a technique that involves taking cuttings from a flowering plant and re-vegetating them. The resulting plants have multiple branches and colas, which can lead to a higher yield.

In conclusion, cannabis plant training techniques are essential to achieving maximum yields and improving the quality of buds. Each method has its unique benefits, and choosing the right one depends on the grower’s preferences and needs.

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